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i love reading the comments on this




how the heck do I open it it's literally a zip file on my pc

..extract the zip? the zip? the exe?

i thought everybody knew how to extract zip files


Wait what version is this fan game?

its not a fangame, its a mod

Yeah but what version is this?


no fucking idea


no cussing in the halls


my brother in christ there is quite literally a level in pizza tower called oh shit

Sage Demo

Yea ik but I'm asking the version not the mod name

This mod is cool and all but can you please make a remake of the most popular demo of Pizza Tower The Sage Demo please?


Read the Games Overview.


its called SAGE 19 PLUS dumbahh 😭🤚

its called a joke dumbahh 😭🤚

Add Snick's Chalinge

Really Cool Demo!

 But The Sad Part You Cant Play As Snick :(

tell me how to get dragons lair tell me how to get dragons lair tell me how to get dragons lair tell me how to get dragons lair 

You Need to Get all The Secret Treasures in each of the Levels (Archaic Entryway, Pizzascape, Ainchent Cheese, Bloodsauce Dungeon) in the Demo to Unlock Dragons Lair.

ermm locations and how

ermm find it out yourself and play pizza tower on steam first


i have pirated pinnza dower

i only have one complaint
cheese peppino doesnt do taunts or funny idle animations with you 0/10 he will never be awesome sauce

otherwise i fucking love this so much thank you for the slope vertical speed to horizontal speed thing i love that

peppino is a very squishy

peppino lime

piss towel egg lap mod vigilnte piss towel afom old-new tunner


que tal fazer o incongito depois que voce comprar tudo dele ele sequestrar o snick para vender se pepinno fazer o desafio incongito

found another glitch where if you sholderbash as soon as you hit a ceiling, you still shoulder bash but the sound effect for hitting the ceiling plays too

i need snick chaleng  pl  eplease.,

PLEASE make a 32 bit Version, i beg of you

gamemaker ended support for 32 builds LONG LONG ago

get a 64 bit pc, nobody uses 32 bit anymore

Are You Sure About That

yeah, this game doesnt support 32 bit. you think im a dumbass?

Deleted 65 days ago
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wrong page, deleted my post

what page were you meant to be on?


the sprites are so charming! peppino i wanna squish  him

found a glitch where if you taunt as you start running up a wall, the taunt effect plays but you dont stop moving or pose. weird

Bullseye Chef Task is incredibly bullshit

Easily Agree.

i love how they did the same thing sugary spire did with the exhibition night demo. they changed almost ALL of the sprites seen in regular pizza tower

 exhibition night came out WAY before 19 plus did


oh sorry i heard about this like a few days after the exhibition night demo 😀


Oh wait i read that wrong lol, that’s what i was talking about. Exhibition night demo changed all of pizzelles sprites. Including the iconic idle anim. And it reminded me of the exhibition demo of where this game changed practically all animations, oh btw didn’t exhibition night demo release like late December 2024???


No it didn't? I'm sure '19 plus came out before Exhibition Night


No it didn't this released in September 2024 and exhibition night released 23 days ago as of writing this

do you need the normal pizza tower to play this or can you just play it without having to download the required game like most mods?

ive seen some mods similar to this. im pretty sure this is just a .exe game and you dont need the full game regardless of how scarily similar it looks.

This is a Fangame Remaster/Remake of Pizza Tower's SAGE Demo.

The PT SAGE Demo was a Seperate EXE file, along with this game, as well as other PT Fangames such as: Super Bo Noise, and Sugary Spire: Exhibition Night

Pizza Tower '19 Plus does not need Pizza Tower on Steam.


WHERE IS SNICK CHALLENGE&!?!?!111?!/11 Btw: nice game :D

banger,best badges,ultra fun like the oringinal but this is 10x better its a must download

I’m definitely getting this game ong 😭

i fuckin broke a game. so a just want to make grab+down glitch keybind BUT accidentally put to taunt keybind. so HOW TO FIX IT

also this game on my usb
(1 edit)

unplug the usb while playin, it's like cartidge tilting 2.0

i dont think this is a good idea

srsly? look at this as an example it's trippy 

You are a fuckin genius. Its gonna broke my game

does someone have a link to the noise update mod?



32 bits?????????


bro 102%'d the game

i p ranked lap 3 dragons lair


ur family is proud(even dead ones)


hello there let me just say thats impressive but can you tell me how to get dragons lair and whats a trinket

You Need to Get all The Secret Treasures in each of the Levels (Archaic Entryway, Pizzascape, Ainchent Cheese, Bloodsauce Dungeon) in the Demo to Unlock Dragons Lair.

where is all trinkets

pls make a full game id love to play it (sombody made lap 3 for this)

this game is way better than the original

Linux version plz?

It would be nice to have a linux version of the game

Tbh Wine and/or Proton is so good these days, you dont always need Native Linux Versions, although Native is always good, I understand.

better than the original sage demo lol

do i need the orignal copy of the game to play?



This is a Fangame Remaster/Remake of Pizza Tower's SAGE Demo.

The PT SAGE Demo was a Seperate EXE file, along with this game, as well as other PT Fangames such as: Super Bo Noise, and Sugary Spire: Exhibition Night

Pizza Tower '19 Plus does not need Pizza Tower on Steam.

(1 edit)

I'd P-rank it tho, but I kind of dumb, and can't handle the combo from start to end.


Believe me or not, but I S-ranked Dragon Lair :>

Yo good job

i may be late but i also s ranked dragon lair

actually how do i get the bowling achievement in pizzascape i've hit 2 rats and 3 cheeseslimes in one of the areas

first encounter with the knight transformation, line up all the forknights and go bowling with the knight transformation

how do i get the running achievement in the first level

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